光学反射式モーションキャプチャシステム イメージベースドフェイシャルモーションキャプチャーシステム 光学反射式モーションキャプチャシステム製 번역 - 光学反射式モーションキャプチャシステム イメージベースドフェイシャルモーションキャプチャーシステム 光学反射式モーションキャプチャシステム製 영어 말하는 방법

光学反射式モーションキャプチャシステム イメージベースドフェイシャルモ


製品用途 プロダクト 製品詳細 業界デファクトのモーションキャプチャシステム。

製品用途 プロダクト 製品詳細 Faceware Technologiesはビデオベースのフェイシャルアニメーション生成のソリューションになります。
Image Metrics社で長年培われたフェイシャル、ジェスチャー認識の技術に加え、リギング、アニメーションの技術を駆使しあらゆるクオリティーのCGアニメーション制作の現場でご利用頂けます。

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결과 (영어) 1: [복제]
Reflective optical motion capture system Image based facial motion capture system Reflective optical motion capture systemProduct applications product product details industry de facto motion capture system. In the world only one of 16 million and pixel resolution camera flag to the seventh generation camera group. From high speed camera of 2000 Hz ultra high resolution 16 million pixels, tracking for pending compact camera. Depending on the purpose of your build flexible systems available.Image based facial motion capture systemProduct applications product product details Faceware Technologies is video-based facial animation production solutions.In addition to cultivated for years in company image Metrics facial gesture recognition technology, available on the site of any quality CG animation production of rigging and animation technology. Optical fiber type data glove
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
결과 (영어) 2:[복제]
Optical reflection motion capture system
image-based facial motion capture system optical reflection motion capture system product applications Product Product Detail industry de facto motion capture system. Seventh generation camera group to be the only 16 million pixel resolution camera flag in the world. i = 1> image-based facial motion capture system optical reflection motion capture system product applications Product Product Detail industry de facto motion capture system. Seventh generation camera group to be the only 16 million pixel resolution camera flag in the world. i = 1> image-based facial motion capture system optical reflection motion capture system product applications Product Product Detail industry de facto motion capture system. Seventh generation camera group to be the only 16 million pixel resolution camera flag in the world.

Ultra-high resolution 16 million pixels from the high-speed camera of 2000Hz, until tracking for small camera. Enables flexible system built according to your customers' applications. Image-based facial motion capture system product applications Product Product details Faceware Technologies will be video-based facial animation generation of solutions.

Image Metrics, Inc. in many years cultivated the facial, in addition to the gesture recognition technology, rigging, available in the field of CG animation of all quality full use of animation technology. Fiber optic sensor type data glove

번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
결과 (영어) 3:[복제]
Optical reflection type of optical motion capture system, image ベースドフェイシャルモーションキャプチャーシステム too reflection type optical motion capture system uses the product at the de facto industry product details of motion capture system. At the seventh generation, is the only group of 16 million pixel camera resolution with the flag in the world. High speed of 2000 Hz from super high resolution camera 1600 million pixels, to the small camera tracking.Of our customers to use a flexible system construction. Image of product use too ベースドフェイシャルモーションキャプチャーシステム product details Faceware Technologies gets facial animation based on video solutions. Image Metrics cultivated years at the company in addition to the rigging, facial gesture recognition technologyBy using the technology of animation, animation production CG every quality field can be used. Glove type optical fiber sensor data too.
번역되고, 잠시 기다려주십시오..
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